Comments on: Fall Pictures on the other side of the world.... Sun, 22 Aug 2010 21:57:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chad Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:22:18 +0000 @anna – We miss you too :( We just had the English Speech contest the past 2 days… woot. I think the Korean Song and Dance festival is happening next month… won’t be the same without you and Eve dancing :(

I hope all is well back in the states!

By: Chad Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:18:45 +0000 @Bill and Willa – Yes, Digital Cameras are amazing. The fact that I can take any number of photos and have instant access to them is pretty great. I’m actually thinking of doing some projects where I limit myself to only 24 shots (like an roll of film) to make me more discerning and precise when I take a picture. Right now it’s easy to click off 3 or 4 shots to get what I want.

Not sure what the crops were. I know one of them they lay down on tarps and whack them with a cane/rope thing to get the seeds out of the shells on the stalk. Maybe it’s barley? or a form or rice…? not sure. Glad to hear Grandpa got a good report! Always glad to hear that kind of news :) Can’t wait to see you and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Going south, right? Tell Robert and the Family I say hello and Happy Thanksgiving! I’ll eat some kimchi for everyone :)

By: anna Tue, 10 Nov 2009 16:33:09 +0000 Lovely pictures.
Makes me miss Samcheok and all that came with the place (the people).

By: Bill and Willa Fri, 06 Nov 2009 21:38:18 +0000 Wow, I always think if it were the old days when you had to have all those pictures deveoped and printed you could not afford to take so many. Very impressive collection. Were those round bales of hay in one scene? And what was the crop that was shocked in 3 bunches? Didn’t look like corn.
Our corn and beans are almost done harvesting…in fact may be done by now.
Lots of crops still in the fields.
Went to Iowa City yesterday for Grandpa’s check up and he got good marks for taking care of himself and stent was in place and not leaking so good news.
Love you,
