Category — Politics
I still have no money.
So, I left the US for many reasons – one of which being to save up some money and pay off some debt. The plan was to send money home and pay credit cards and student loans and come home with some extra cash and no debt. That plan is looking less and less possible thanks to the markets and value of the Korean Won. Check this out..
It’s crazy… The Dollar/Won ratio just broke 1,400 Won per dollar.
When we came 2 months ago the dollar was 1,063 Won per dollar. So basically the money
I make here is now worth 40% less than it was before when I send it home. It takes 40% more won to buy one dollar. So, I send home 2,000,000 won (which ideally should be $2,000) and I only will have about $1,500. This makes paying off debt and sending money home a lot harder.

We’ll see, I’m sure it will get a little better before we leave, but will it get better in time for us to pay our bills in the US without loosing a lot of money in the process? Let’s keep hoping for a speedy won recovery. The dollar is doing better, but until the Won catches up, it’s only good if you’re trying to send money to ME, not the other way around…. And feel free to do the former
October 23, 2008 1 Comment
“We are the change we’ve been waiting for…” Part III
…But there is hope, and I’m thrilled…

Now I’m the first to admit that some of Obama’s proposals sound a little far-fetched and expensive, and that the challenges he faces are unmatched in history. Universal health care will be hard to make happen and may not work at first. Education in America needs a complete overhaul – good luck on that. Foreign policy needs to be redefined – We can’t continue to wage on war on states, when the enemy is a stateless entity. Social Security is disappearing – I’m not even expecting any money but my Parents still better get some. The Economy needs a good facelift – Please, make the korean Won go back up. The list goes on, but it is because Obama is ready and willing to try to change or fix even some of these problems that he gets my vote. When I hear Obama say we need to change Washington, I know (or hope) that it’s not just a political saying. When McCain says it, I feel like it’s only because he has to now, that’s the only thing this election can be about if you want to win. McCain might bring change to Washington, but more in the swift moving “Maverick” style of sudden jumps. I’d rather a steady swift overhaul – let’s step back and make sure this thing is right.
Sitting here in Korea I can see that things are possible. I went to the Dentist today and only spent 5 dollars. I bought cold medicine last week for only 2. Universal health care can happen and it can work. Granted Korea got to restart and build up from scratch 60 years ago but it’s possible; and Korea is not the only one who’s gotten it right.
Obama wants to try to get it right…
…and that’s why I support him.
I’m not asking people to agree with me. I’m not asking people to say I’m right or wrong. I am asking for people to think. To research. To examine all the options and then make up your mind. I don’t care who you’re rooting for, as long as you take a second to think about why you support them, what one position makes you stay on one side or the other, what one quality has steered you that way? What quote or policy? Now – go research it – make sure it’s true, make sure the other guy doesn’t think the same thing and if they don’t – why? Once you sift through the rubble of American “journalism” make up your momentary mind. Then tomorrow – do it again. I’ll do the same. I’ll research both McCain and Obama, both Palin and Biden and everyone else on my ballot in an attempt to become better informed in the remaining days of the election. It’s the least we can do… Then, of course, go vote!
This manifesto of sorts is by no means an attack on anyone’s beliefs or political leanings. Only an attack on apathy. Only a rally of support for what I believe in and a call for awareness of what has been and could be, that I can’t let slide by as “policy” or “patriotism”. Not this time – the problems of the world have only been accentuated by seeing how the other half lives. And I’ll be coming home soon…
October 15, 2008 1 Comment
“We are the change we’ve been waiting for…” Part II
(We’re in Seoul this weekend shopping and EATING. More when we get back!) Here is part II…
As if that wasn’t enough, people are actually buying into this. McCain and Palin have distorted everything Obama has said or stands for in the past few weeks and people actually believe it. Even when they know it’s not true…(Their odious social stances should sound the alarm for all Democrats and right-minded Republicans. (and luckily it seems to be… in some circles.) There are many reasons that the Democrats aren’t perfect either… Obama has only publicly supported Civil Unions between homosexuals – not marriage (a good step, but come on!).
Democrats have trouble acknowledging that completely universal health care is practically a pipedream. Obama has changed his mind on issues like offshore drilling, and supports another stimulous package that I feel is just a distraction from the bigger tasks at hand. Dems have inconsistant stances on foreign policy and in this election in particular they have pandered to the center on a lot of social issues to get votes. But the Democrat’s demons lie predominantly in public policy differences, not social – different ideas on how to best manage the country – not ideas on how repress, revoke, or reject people’s human and social rights. Even if Democrats have all the wrong answers for global terrorism, the economy, health care, and education – if it means more open social pluralism and awareness around our country and the world I can only support their cause. Granted, I happen to believe that more of the 2008 Democratic policies are what we need right now, but that’s neither here nor there.
October 4, 2008 1 Comment